Thank you for choosing ComplyCTA for your Beneficial Ownership Report Filing needs. We strive to provide a seamless and efficient experience to our valued users. Please review our return policy outlined below:
- Refund Eligibility: Users are eligible for a refund within 15 days of the initial payment date.
- Refund Request Process: To request a refund, users must send an email to within the 15-day period. The email should include the following details:
- Subject: Refund Request for [Your Account/User ID]
- Body: Brief explanation for the refund request
- Refund Approval: Upon receiving the refund request, our support team will review the request and determine eligibility based on the following criteria:
- The request is made within 15 days of the initial payment.
- The user has not submitted the Beneficial Ownership Report to FinCEN.
- Refund Processing: If the refund request meets the eligibility criteria, our team will initiate the refund process. Please note that refunds will be issued to the original payment method used for the purchase.
- Non-Refundable Transactions: Once the Beneficial Ownership Report is submitted to FinCEN, the amount paid for the service becomes non-refundable and cannot be cancelled.
- Cancellation Policy: As the submission to FinCEN is irreversible, users are encouraged to review all information carefully before proceeding with the submission.
- Contact Us: For any questions or assistance regarding refunds, please reach out to our support team at We are here to help ensure a smooth experience for our users.
By using ComplyCTA’s services, you agree to adhere to the terms and conditions outlined in this return policy. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.